10 best tips How to optimize your LinkedIn profile for maximum exposure

First impressions matter, and your profile will be the first place someone looking to connect with you.
It can function as a gateway into your sales funnel if you present yourself effectively and optimize appropriately in the correct circumstances.

Sidra Masood
8 min readFeb 15, 2022
Photo by Greg Bulla on Unsplash

When it comes to LinkedIn profile optimization, imagination, devotion, patience, and study are required.
But, perhaps most importantly, it entails knowledge so that you know precisely what and when to do things to make YOU stand out in your profession.
Many LinkedIn profiles I’ve seen are something of a list of names.
…and all they want is for their appearance to be HIGH-PROFILE so that they can be contacted for jobs?
I’m sorry to disappoint you, and I hope you’ll accept my sincere apologies for this.


Please take advantage of your first appearance because it will be your last.
This isn’t an essay for my linked relatives who want to know how to make their profiles more unique in order to be recognized.
I see a lot of people applying for jobs, but when I look at their LinkedIn profiles, they’re empty. As a result, I’ve decided to discuss LinkedIn Profile Optimization.

I, too, work in individual and career LinkedIn optimization, so I understand the importance.
However, I haven’t found many in-depth investigations of how you can make your LinkedIn page the main centre of your professional life in marketing to recruit better leads, complete more deals, drum up more business, and even shepherd your lead generation through the next stage of the buying process.

The following are the most important aspects to consider when optimizing your LinkedIn profile:

1. Keywords

Determine which jargon will be most commonly used in searches where your profile is expected to appear.
Put another way, you must examine what your target audience (i.e., potential clients or organizations) is looking for.

Then, in various places on your profile, such as your headline, summary, job titles, and so on, use the most important of these keywords.

2. Customize your profile URL

Then, in various places on your profile, such as your headline, summary, job titles, and so on, use the most important of these keywords.
Make sure the URL of your LinkedIn profile is unique with your name, rather than a random value of digits, by including it in the URL.
It makes searching easier, and it just appears more polished and put-together.

3. Connections

Because LinkedIn users commonly filter search results by connection (think: Do I know any of these people or do I know someone who knows this person? ), your LinkedIn network must mirror your offline network.

Other than that, you could be the perfect fit for what they’re looking for, but you run the risk of ranking so low in search results that you’ll never be seen, or worse, that they won’t be able to view your profile at any point.

So, import your connections from Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo (or wherever you keep your contact information) and start growing your LinkedIn network!

Do you believe this will suffice for your LinkedIn optimization?

So you’re mistaken

You may make it all emerge on your profile if you follow these suggestions.

4. Optimize the appearance of your profile photo

For the most part, this will be the initial impression that people will have of you. Are you content with your life? Is it a professional-quality photograph or one that someone took with their cell phone?

You’re aiming for images that are both high-definition and well-lit in this case.

Positive energy should be emitted from it in the same way that wine is emitted from a bottle.

Carry out a short inspection of your profile image, keeping an eye out for poor practices such as:

· Photographs of the entire body

· Low-quality/blurry images in dim lighting

· Expression of frustration

· Pixelated

· A decade or two or more in the past

If you pass all of these tests, the next step is to make sure that your profile image is noticeable in the crowd. You’re not just another suit, dress, or tie. You’re an individual. A business professional with a unique advantage that no one else has, you want to show it off to the world.

5. Making the Most of Your Cover Photo

Source: By Sidra Masood

Your cover image, which is one of the most underutilized assets in your LinkedIn toolbox, will speak volumes about you on its own.

The fact is that, whether you’ve used the default LinkedIn backdrop or a fuzzy photo of your dogs, becoming serious about growing your business entails investing the time to optimize your background photo.

The following are the top-performing LinkedIn covers:

· Demonstrating to the audience your hobbies as well as your personality.

· Developing a pitch and/or demonstrating your credibility.

· Making use of anything relevant to your line of business or industry.

6. Make a good first impression with your profile headline

Being creative and informative with your profile headline can be really beneficial if you are serious about networking and developing your own unique personal brand online. In the early days of LinkedIn, the most important thing to include was the title of your current position, and that was usually it.

However, it is now more crucial than ever to effectively use the 220 character limit by including important hashtags and a description of your expertise.

For example, which of the following do you believe stands out the most and will resonate with jobseekers or other professionals in your field of expertise?

Sales VP at Everyone Social | Social Seller Empowering Sales Leaders through Social Selling | Leader at Everyone Social | VP of Sales at Everyone Social

Despite the fact that both contain a keyword, the second one flows considerably better, is more fascinating, and is also descriptive of your current position.

Some decent examples of headlines along these lines would be as follows:

· We are the number one accounting firm in North America,” says the firm.

· I am a data scientist who “assists large businesses in closing large leads.” I am the CEO of [insert firm name].

· The following is an example: “Marketing Specialist at [insert firm name]”

· Insert other characters and uninteresting taglines.

Winston The author of this post deserves a big shout-out:

7. Highlight your Boost posts in The Featured section

The Featured section allows you to draw attention to your most popular pieces.

Recently, LinkedIn introduced a tool that allows you to curate a collection of posts to showcase specific material on your profile page.

For Example, you can check my Profile Featured Section

source: Sidra Masood

It was necessary to provide this information in your LinkedIn summary, and accessing the incoming and outgoing connections needed three clicks in the past. These days, they can be accessed with a single click. Take advantage of the situation!

Provide the visitor with something to write about, such as your greatest blog articles, your own website, customer testimonials, and so on.

But, most all, pay attention to the first 2–3 lines because they will be the most prominent, so make it worth reading and engaging.

8. Work experience, education, and training: specific and truthful

Unless your company hired you based on a fabricated CV, our first piece of job advice is to be upfront and honest with them.

Following then, everything is dependent on your objectives in conjunction with your profile. We are less interested in recruiting profiles than we are in prospecting profiles and profiles who want to establish a strong communication presence on LinkedIn, which is what we do.

If you want to be considered for a position, you should include your professional and volunteer experience. Make an effort to be thorough.

On the other hand, when it comes to “conversion rates,” if your goal is to increase the number of individuals who contact you, this is a good strategy. ( by visiting your website or by being more recognized), we recommend that you only list relevant experiences and that you be exact in your descriptions of those events.

Exactly what do I mean when I say “relevant experience”?

As an illustration, “I worked as a volunteer for numerous summers.” This doesn’t add much value to my visitors’ experience. This is similar to saying, “I graduated from high school with A+ grades.” Nobody is interested in it, so don’t be a braggart.

Experiences that reaffirm your knowledge and credentials provide support for your proposition or tell a story that should be highlighted. It is not necessary to create a CV that details every job you have held in order to be recognized. Produce a compelling narrative, offer your skills, and generate conversions.

Make an impression on potential customers by being creative.

I wrote another post that outlines

How can you add Meta descriptions and change them in your WordPress blog?

9. Sharing is a form of kindness.

In addition to providing your target audience with hardly any insights and information, sharing important industry news and articles can put you in a position of “power” in your business.

Elevating your position within your sector is a highly successful strategy for increasing engagement on your social media profiles. And in many cases, all that is required is that you assist your audience in solving problems by providing answers.

However, simply having a source and then continuing on your path is difficult enough. If you want to get the most out of your interaction, make sure to express your feelings about what the author is expressing out or how particular industry news may affect your company and others in the future.

Your own ideas, insight, and facts can help drive traffic to your profile, enhance your exposure across the platform, encourage greater engagement, and pique people’s interest in your field of work and job title.

10. Include ALL of Your Skills

Both large and small. You may not be aware of this, but LinkedIn has proven that profiles with five or more talents receive 17x the number of views as profiles with fewer skills. So start making a list of your soft and hard skills as soon as possible!

P.S. LinkedIn accounts with six or more skills receive 33 times the number of messages as those with fewer capabilities.

Keep in mind that hard skills are those that represent your accomplishments, whereas soft skills are those that define your interpersonal characteristics.

Final Thoughts

A well-constructed and well-optimized LinkedIn profile will considerably boost your chances of being accepted as a connection by your network. It will increase the number of views and engagement on your profile and make it easier to achieve your social selling objectives in general.

Yes, you’ll have to put in some effort into improving and updating your profile, as well as keeping it up to date in order to reap the most benefits, but the rewards far outweigh the costs.



Sidra Masood

Writing is an art and I can create the magic of words by true and vibrant colours of writing which mesmerizing the reader. Follow for more stories and updates.