Absolutely Free best ways how to content writing for the website?

The authors’ calligraphy and the marketers’ research skills are both important in creating and publishing amazing content.

Sidra Masood
4 min readMar 12, 2022
Photo by Ana Tavares on Unsplash

The writers employ their abilities to develop the correct words that will make an impression, while the marketers give the material to curate the content.

The perfect combination of these two characteristics is what defines a high-quality article writing service.

So far, I’ve learned a lot about writing from my life experiences

· Keep it lighthearted, but don’t forget to use proper grammar.

· Understand your client’s objectives.

· To boost, your creativity, make an effort to plan your day around it.

· Seriously, if you want to be a writer, you must first develop the appearance and mindset of someone who can deliver value through words.

· Don’t just read anything; learn more about the craft. Read good and bad blog posts to ensure that what you’re doing makes sense.

· Be sincere. Empathize with others.

· Your writing contains a lot of confidence. Take pride in yourself. Take control of your writing.

Several studies have been conducted to determine what makes a headline a great headline. Precision and emotion are the two most typical features of a good headline, and they are both important.

Check out how you can make your article ranked on google with compelling headlines.

5 Best Tips for Creating Attractive Headlines That Boost Engagement

Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

The story behind the game

I’ve worked as a freelance creative content writer for various publications and Websites for the past two years. I began my career in web design, where I worked for a year before deciding that I wanted to pursue a career in creative content writing because I’ve always had a passion for writing.

And I like writing in English, even though native speakers do not widely speak English in my country. Consequently, I began a journey into a previously unexplored region for me.

I didn’t go straight to the big sites like Upwork.com or Freelancer.com.

Because I know it isn’t easy to find a job there. The internet has made the freelance job extremely competitive. So I joined Facebook groups connected to blogging and affiliate marketing because I knew they needed material. I was right. My first paid writing job for a printer Found him on Facebook in a blogging group.

I wrote the site and the “about us” section for him. I had absolutely no idea what I was up to. Back then, I knew nothing about content writing. It didn’t take long because they were linked to web design, graphics design, and other familiar topics. But the actual question was whether any of the information I’d created was actually valuable to people or if I was just producing garbage. I had no choice but to find out.

My next assignment was to write for a digital marketer. That guy paid me $6 for 1,000 words. But that money came at a cost. It turned out that the writing was quite difficult to read. So I discovered there was such a thing as “readability.” Now, according to Wikipedia, readability can be defined as follows:


The ease with which a reader can clearly understand a written text is referred to as readability. When speaking in natural language.

As a result, I learned about readability and began to work on improving it. I discovered that it is actually beneficial no matter how much you despise grammar. As a result, I began to correct my grammatical flaws. Soon after, I discovered that readability is all about the way you organize your sentences and the appropriate use of words and terminology relevant to your topic area.

Go with the Flow

It’s a lot like coding in many ways. Instead of using code, you use words to express yourself, and organization is your closest friend. You desire to move at a specific pace. You want to keep the flow more structured while still keeping it casual. As though someone might be having a chat with you about a particular project about which you would like to educate them.

Hello Grammarly

First and foremost, if you want to be successful in your professional life, please remember to create an excellent first impression of your writing abilities. Grammarly is a perfect tool, but don’t forget to double-check your work because they are computer programs with no idea what they are doing.

Importance of Keywords (SEO)

In order to gain a deeper understanding of the subject, I have also learned about keywords and other related topics such as Search Engine Optimization. Because my primary goal is to assist my client in achieving a higher ranking on Google’s first page of results. I needed to make sense of what was going on with Google’s algorithmic search results.

Final Word

Organizing and being more creative than I have ever been in my life has occurred as a result of this experience. I am capable of writing up to 1000 to 2000 words every day in a straight line. Over 3000 words have been written for three different websites, each in a completely different area, just this month alone. Overall, being more structured than your competitors is essential for improving your writing skills. That does not signify that you must get up at 4 a.m. and start typing until your fingers bleed.



Sidra Masood

Writing is an art and I can create the magic of words by true and vibrant colours of writing which mesmerizing the reader. Follow for more stories and updates.