Having trouble with copy that's not generating the desired results?

Sidra Masood
2 min readFeb 6, 2024


I understand that achieving your desired outcome can be challenging.

How to boos your conversion rate?

As an copywriter who has consistently crafting 80 + website copies and adding $$$ in client revenue with action provoking landing pages,
I'm here to share the secrets behind crafting persuasive copy that drives conversions.

Let's get started:

Understand Your Audience
↳ Gain a thorough understanding of your audience's thoughts and perspectives.

↳What keeps them tossing and turning in the wee hours?
Get on their level.

Highlight the pros and cons of your product

↳Spread the word far and wide in the digital world.
↳What unique benefit does your product bring to the table?
Give it that extra sparkle.

Expose the flaws of your competitor
↳Here's a revised version of your text
↳Up to no good? Perhaps.
Does it get the job done?
Without a doubt.
↳Highlight the unique qualities that set your product apart from the competition.

Highlight the Benefits
↳Paint a vivid picture of the rewards they'll enjoy.

Put the spotlight on "YOU, not "ME"

↳ Change the focus.
Make sure your copy is like a mirror, reflecting their needs instead of boasting about your accomplishments.

Are you prepared to transform your copy into a work of art that drives conversions?
Let's chat.

book a 1:1 consultation and grow.

PS: Skip these steps if you already generate $$$ revenue for your clients😁.



Sidra Masood

Writing is an art and I can create the magic of words by true and vibrant colours of writing which mesmerizing the reader. Follow for more stories and updates.